

  • Wise Acres学生经营的农场  

    This project was proposed by Kevin Cody and Dr. 我是ENST系的Richard Jurin. 2015年2月,博天堂官方环境与可持续发展研究(ENST)项目 出现了一个非凡的机会:在北部租赁一个已有的农场 为了教育目的. A seemingly modest proposal, UNC is now in a position to become part of a growing trend in higher education across the U.S. 包含 通过可持续粮食系统和农业生态学项目开展体验式教育. 农场主们热衷于发展与UNC的关系,并为他们的农场 become a model of organic and alternate farming education. 农场经营者/经理 对与博天堂官方学生合作的潜力感到兴奋,并将继续 与来自青年之家的学生一起工作,他们参与了之前的 生长季节.

    学生叶与大学学院合作,帮助资助第一季 农场,取得了巨大的成功. 的 summer and fall classes offered at the farm and 博天堂官方在社区节和几个星期五帮助为一个农场摊位提供食物 在校园. 的 ENST program is trying to use this farm to help introduce a new major to the university: Sustainable Food Systems.

    Wise Acres农场
    Wise Acres农场
    Wise Acres农场
  • 大学自行车架

    This project was proposed by Daniel Lawrence, from UNCO Outdoor Pursuits. UNC是一个 获得铜牌级自行车友好校园认证,部分原因是我们的持续努力 to provide bike-friendly infrastructure. This proposal was intended to improve upon existing bike racks 在校园 to help keep bikes secure as well as un-damaged. 的 设计选择的是Varsity自行车架,来自Park-A-Bike公司 防止自行车撞到对方,同时为 锁自行车. 的 bike racks were also selected for their aesthetic, as they can be installed in favor of bulky, less attractive bike racks. 计划安装 for completion during the spring and summer of 2016.


  • 校园娱乐中心的大屁股粉丝

    这个项目是由Tori Peterson(前LEAF主席)和Scott Schuttenberg提出的 从校园娱乐中心,以帮助中心节省资金和能源. 大屁股风扇背后的想法是使用大型风扇叶片来帮助保持建筑物接近 在夏天,温度会降低10度,并有助于使上升的热空气分层 winter to keep the building warmer in winter. One of the biggest complaints from students 是不是健身房夏天热得让人无法忍受,即使有便携式风扇 我们被利用了. 不仅 were these fans ineffective, they were also unsafe due to long extension cords, and not cost effective due to high electricity use. 大的屁股 风扇对学生在娱乐中心的整体舒适度产生了巨大的影响, and have also reduced energy usage and utility bills.


  • PowerSol雨伞 

    在2015年春季学期,学生LEAF资助了一名学生提交的提案 to put in PowerSol Charging Stations around campus. PowerSol雨伞是户外的 天井伞上面有太阳能电池板,可以有序地利用太阳的能量 为便携式设备充电. 的 grant was written for $38,000 to include purchasing of 19 umbrella units, 19 150lb bases, any marketing supplies, and shipping costs. 这些雨伞被安装在博天堂官方校园内的大学中心,福尔摩斯和 托比-肯德尔餐厅,阿灵顿公园公寓,以及几个学生宿舍. 该项目的总体目标是在校园里吸引学生并进行教育 them on the benefits and possibilities of solar energy. 此外,雨伞 帮助实现LEAF创建可持续校园社区的主要目标之一 encouraging students to be outside on our beautiful campus.

    的 overall response to the PowerSol project was overwhelmingly positive. 不仅 难道他们在学生和教职员工中非常受欢迎,而雨伞却有 an added benefit of raising awareness for Student LEAF as an organization. 许多学生 不知道雨伞是什么,也不知道是谁把它们放在那里,直到战略标签 放在每把伞上. As more and more students learned about the umbrellas, the 更多的伞被使用. 的 tables were in use far more often than they had 去过的. This furthers the goal of increasing the use of existing campus infrastructure 通过这些改进. Overall the project was a huge success, and many other departments have expressed interest in ordering more umbrellas.

    实施:五罐破碎机为大学中心,托比肯德尔和 福尔摩斯餐厅是通过澳大利亚昆士兰州的回收解决方案订购的. 的 total cost for the units and shipping was $6,225.00. 因为船要来了 from Australia, there was a slight delay on the arrival date. 大约两个月后 在等待中,这些单位被设施收购,然后交付给餐饮服务 它们被安装在哪里.


  • 大学中心水站 

    2013年春,大学中心主任Jay Dinges向LEAF求婚 该项目将用Elkay取代现有的五个饮水机 Ez- H20站. 的 University Center see’s extreme amounts of foot traffic every 一天,有人抱怨没有这样的地方来补充水瓶. 我们不仅听到人们对水质的评价,而且从整体上说 机组的便利性. It’s easy to go up to one of these stations and fill up 你的水瓶,这减少了需要或想买一个塑料,一次性水 瓶.

    这个特别的项目是在初秋开始的,最近刚刚完成 十月底. Due to asbestos and replacing piping in the wall, the project turnaround ended up taking longer than we had originally estimated. 尽管如此,每 station was properly installed and is being used. 电台本身也算上了 每次你装满水的时候,你节省的水瓶的数量,这很好 towards educating our campus on sustainability. 实际上看的是 被保存下来的水瓶真的很了不起,大多数学生都很漂亮 shocked at the numbers that they see around campus.

    的 initial grant was allocated 基金 up to the amount of $15,000.00. 每单位成本 大约是890美元.00 per unit when they were sold separately. 当单位被购买时 在10人以上的小组中,运费包括每个单位的价格 $840.00. 的re were five units installed at the University Center, replacing each older drinking fountain with the new Elkay water stations. 总成本 单位本身正好是4824美元.11美元和劳动力共计4990美元.33. 让所有 of that said, the final total cost of the whole project ended up being $9,824.44. 的 estimated cost was a little high, so $5,185.56美元将被转回我们的账户 基金. Overall, the project was a success and the stations are being used every day 在校园.


  • Student LEAF funded improvements to the UNC sprinkler system!

    2012年秋天,帕特·麦克唐纳(Pat McDonald)提出了一个项目,该项目将把学校的资源集中起来 整个喷水灭火系统.  An astounding number of students and staff would complain about having to dodge the sprinklers just on the way to class. 这就产生了一个问题 对于去上课的人来说也会对水量产生影响 正在被系统使用. A flawed manual system of having to go to each zone and 事实证明,关闭它或提供维护比任何事情都更麻烦. 帕特提出这个想法不仅是为了限制被喷的次数, but also to increase water savings university wide.

    该提案于当年秋天由2012-2013委员会投票通过 set to be installed in the spring on 2013. After ordering materials and plans to install 开始行动,安装的最后期限被推迟到最后 夏天的. On a meeting I had with Pat in late July he informed me that the system was having issues being hooked up through UNC’s IT department. 截至今天,(2013年9月4日) that problem has been figured out and the system is up and running. 帕特还在琢磨 out the system and how it can be most efficiently managed. 系统安装好后, 我们的灌溉系统预计比以前节水30% 年. With that being said, the university will not have to pay for as much water consumption as they had in the past, while also cutting down on emissions.

    费用:安装和购买整个系统的原始估计为 $72,000. 的 final invoice came out to be: $63,914.39

  • Student LEAF funded animal waste station 

    的 animal waste station project was proposed by a student here 在校园. 凯西跟踪狂, 提出了2012年秋季学期的项目,并计划实施如下 2013年春天. Through the club, “Students for Environmental Action,” the proposal 提交. Through Grant 协调员 William Woods and project manager Patrick 麦当劳也相应地填好了建议书,并同意购买10只动物 浪费站.

    的 award amount was up to the amount of $3,000.这笔钱是用来购买 单位本身和在整个生命周期中需要储存的材料 单位的. Both large and small bags would need to be stocked by facilities which 是LEAF先购买的吗. 500 small bags and 200 large bags were initially purchased 由LEAF,但通过与设施,库存和采购的协议 行李都交给他们了. 的 disposal units are checked weekly by facilities and 把相应的. 的 full amount granted to the project was not all used and there was a small return back into the fund from this project.

    这个项目促进了可持续发展,一个更清洁的校园和基金本身的推广 signs that were also purchased with the units. Throughout the campus these waste units 能被宠物主人们发现并且似乎获得了很多关注吗. 有一个更友好的地方带你的宠物会吸引周围的人 社区. Providing a sanitary disposal system of waste, while cleaning up the campus 同时.


  • 学生LEAF资助的垃圾处理站 

    学生LEAF帮助资助了25个这样有吸引力的回收站 去年春天的设施. 他们在校园里随处可见!
