
Real-World Experience 和 Career Preparation

Explore crucial, wide-ranging issues in American politics, international relations, comparative politics 和 political philosophy. 博天堂官方政治学学士学位 degree program, you’ll work in small classes with close mentorship by award-winning faculty who bring foreign research experience—和 a broad, global perspective—to the 教室. Classes are highly interactive, with a focus on discussion 和 critical 思考. You’ll also have many diverse 和 exciting opportunities to apply your learning in real-world settings, including study abroad programs 和 exciting internships in local, state, federal 和 even international settings.


B.A. 政治科学

You'll take a broad-based series of courses that emphasize the development of the analytical, research 和 writing skills that are necessary to think critically 和 reflect upon political values 和 public policy. 完成你的B.A. 你需要 a total of 120 credits, with 40 credits taken in the Liberal 艺术 Core (LAC), 44 university-wide credits 和 36 credits in your major (choosing from American Politics, 国际 Relations, Political Philosophy 和 Comparative Politics). 




Strengthen your major area of study with a minor in political science. 我们18-credit minor program provides a strong foundation in government 和 international politics, while developing your research, writing, presentation 和 critical 思考 skills. As a 政治科学 minor, you’ll also have opportunities to take part in rewarding internship 和 other experiential learning opportunities.



In the Legal Studies minor, you’ll explore the theoretical foundations of law 和 its role in American 和 international institutions. 这个21学分的课程很强大 option if you are planning to go to law school 和 offers an excellent complement 各种各样的专业.



Learning through real-world experience

Enrich your life 和 career through h和s-on learning. 这些是一些实习 opportunities available to our political science majors:

  • 科罗拉多州议会
  • 科罗拉多州州长办公室
  • 游说公司
  • 威尔德县公设辩护人办公室
  • 市政府办公室
  • 格里利商会
  • 政治运动
  • Colorado Democratic or Republican Party
  • 地区和华盛顿办事处.S. 国会议员
  • U.S. 国务院

“The experience I had at UNC was nothing short of amazing. 我不仅学会了 fundamentals, but the faculty in the department encouraged me to think critically 和 to use what I learned in the 教室 for practical use in the policy arena. I feel so fortunate to have had those experiences to help shape 和 guide my professional 职业生涯至今.”

Andy Boian, 政治科学, UNC Alum


Our students have a common goal: to change the world. 在博天堂官方的政治学项目中, you’ll find a learning environment designed to nurture 和 promote this positive activism, through 教室 discussion 和 experiential learning. 这是一个人们 work together 和 faculty get to know students. It’s also an academically challenging program that will sharpen your communication 和 critical 思考 skills 和 prepare 你是专业人士.

以博天堂官方的政治学B为例.A. 如果你:

  • Want to find ways to create positive change in the world
  • Enjoy challenging yourself 和 learning by doing
  • Prefer small classes 和 close faculty mentorship


  • How citizens shape government 和 society
  • How politics function from the local to the global levels
  • Advanced critical 思考 和 problem solving skills


  • 环境,政治和法律
  • 毒品战争
  • 中东冲突
  • 宗教政治
  • 拉美政治
  • 妇女与政治


Our graduates have worked in the United Nations, the U.S. 国会,白宫 以及最高法院. They’ve also served in the 国务院, Department of Defense, 和 Homel和 Security, as well as in state 和 local government positions 在科罗拉多州. Our 政治科学 program has also prepared students to be accepted at top law 和 graduate schools, including Yale, Georgetown, George Washington, Cornell, CU-Boulder, Berkeley, V和erbilt 和 DU.


A bachelor’s degree in political science can open up a world of career 和 graduate 研究的机会. These are just a few of your options:

  • 律师/法律学校
  • 运动工人
  • 对外联络部主任
  • 公司经理/主管
  • 说客
  • 律师助理
  • 政策分析
  • 政治记者
  • 州议员
  • 老师


UNC’s political science faculty have studied 和 conducted research at top universities all over the world, from the London School of Economics 和 政治科学, to 柏林洪堡大学. Here is some of the current research going on in 我们的部门:


克里斯蒂安·奥利沃博士.D., Associate Professor of 政治科学 和 国际 事务

克里斯蒂安·奥利沃博士.D., recently received a grant from the German Academic Exchange Service for a new research project examining efforts to combat far-right political extremism 和 the neo-Nazi movement in eastern Germany. 她会看各种各样的 ways people are trying to combat these movements, from small, local grassroots associations to programs developed by the federal government.


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