
Environmental Geosciences P.S.M.

With small classes 和 close faculty attention, the University of Northern Colorado’s P.S.M. in environmental geosciences offers tremendous flexibility, independence 和 应用经验. You’ll deepen your technological fluency, formulate creative approaches to scientific challenges 和 sharpen your communication ability. The program includes an internship with a geoscience company or agency, while providing opportunities to develop entrepreneurial skills 和 collaborate with specialists from multiple scientific 学科. You’ll graduate with a broad set of high-level competencies 和 a proven ability to tackle dem和ing scientific tasks.

Academic Mastery, Professional Polish

Innovative 和 experience-deep, the Environmental Geosciences P.S.M. 程序提供了 advanced scientific training for high-level careers in resource management, energy development, environmental regulation, public policy 和 related fields. 你的行为 sophisticated fieldwork, data gathering 和 statistical analysis, while cultivating the managerial 和 communication skills necessary to lead 和 communicate about complex 科学的调查.








P.S.M. in Environmental Geosciences

Professional Science Master’s degree integrates high-level academic work with professional skill development. UNC’s program includes a three-credit internship in a corporate, government or nonprofit workplace 和 is certified by the Council of 研究生 Schools through the Professional Science Master’s Association. 你可以完成 the 30-credit program in 12 to 18 months. 

迈出下一步! Explore courses, contact information 和 admission requirements. 


LEARN MORE about the P.S.M. 

你的未来 in Environmental Geosciences

The Environmental Geosciences P.S.M. qualifies you for high-level employment in the private, public 和 nonprofit sectors. You’ll be prepared for managerial jobs in industries such as resource extraction, technology 和 environmental regulation, or may pursue opportunities as an independent consultant or entrepreneur. UNC’s location is a major plus, as Colorado is a dynamic hub of cutting-edge activity in the environmental geosciences, with many opportunities for direct experience 和 specialized expertise in water, fossil fuels, mining, renewable energy 和 other sub-学科.

想想UNC的P.S.M. in Environmental Geosciences if you want to:

  • Seek advancement to the managerial level or above
  • Are enthusiastic about fieldwork 和 h和s-on experience
  • Have in interest in pairing advanced academic knowledge with professional development


  • Management 和 communication skills
  • Data gathering 和 analysis
  • Environmental regulatory st和ards
  • Industrial employment practices


  • 全球变化
  • 石油与能源
  • Geographic Information Science
  • Communication 和 领导


P.S.M. program in environmental geosciences culminates in a three-credit internship with an industry or government employer. Colorado offers a wide variety of outst和ing internship experiences with world leaders in industry, environmental technology 和 地球科学研究. The region is home to major federal government facilities such as the National Renewable Energy Laboratory, U.S. Geological Survey 和 National Center for Atmospheric 研究.

Where can your degree take you?

  • Managerial job in energy, mining or other extractive industry
  • Environmental regulation
  • 研究 和 development
  • Independent consulting
  • 创业

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