
Teacher sitting on the floor interacting with a group of 学前教育-age children.

Doctoral Student Aims to Improve Preschool Inclusion in Rural Kansas

莉娜Kisner’s passion for early childhood special education spurred her investigation 堪萨斯州农村学校学前教育的入学率. 她是一名特殊教育主任 overseeing children from birth to age 21 for five interlocal school districts.

莉娜Kisner’s passion for early childhood special education spurred her investigation 堪萨斯州农村学校学前教育的入学率. 她是一名特殊教育主任 overseeing children from birth to age 21 for five interlocal school districts. In fall 2023, when Kisner graduates from the 北科罗拉多大学’s doctoral 项目 特殊教育, 她 will have completed her research and taught the UNC graduate course Applied Assessment in 幼儿特殊教育 four times. 

“The biggest barriers for 学前教育 inclusion are the attitudes and perceptions of people who don’t understand that kids with disabilities can be educated successfully in quality early childhood programs alongside kids without disabilities. 和理解 these programs are not just caregiving; the learning there is critical to setting 这些孩子走上了成功的轨道,”基斯纳说. “堪萨斯有很棒的公众 schools, but 学前教育 was an area where there hadn’t been growth.” 

To determine how 学前教育 inclusion was faring and whether there was a difference based on how special education services were provided, took a deep dive into Kansas State Department of 教育 data, reviewing the last three years’ 学前教育 inclusion rates for all 286 school districts. 她的论文, “An Investigation Into What Contributes to High Rates of Preschool Inclusion in Rural Kansas School Districts,” involves case-study research into inclusive and blended 幼儿教育和特殊教育. 她把重点放在了农村学区 where rates of 学前教育 inclusion are lower than their suburban or urban counterparts. 

Special education service models vary by type of school district. 在大堪萨斯州 districts, schools provide their own special education services, whereas smaller districts often pool their resources and join cooperatives where one district sponsors services. In interlocal districts, an independent entity provides special education services.  

Her research involved class observations and artifact examination, including handbooks, 通讯、社交媒体和网站. 基斯纳发现,更大的地区有更多 inclusion, but some rural districts in cooperatives and interlocals had higher than 平均汇率. 


“I completed interviews, some in person and some via Zoom, with special education teachers, providers, administrators, community members and parents,” 她 said. “他们 using different strategies and models, so we’re not seeing a one-size-fits-all approach. It was important to me to look at the positives and discover what’s working. 这需要 creative thinking, but it is possible to include all children in 学前教育 programs, 即使在农村社区.” 

幼儿特殊教育 教授 南希Sileo 对基斯纳的专业精神印象深刻吗. She said Kisner engaged fully with the online doctoral program and remote student 以及教职工活动. 

“In addition to being a doctoral student, Lena is a professional in the field who 经营着一个很大的特殊教育项目. She’s been involved actively in research, professional development, scholarship and collaborative activities,” Sileo said. “她是一位母亲, 在很多方面都是配偶和榜样. 通过她的研究,她想把它付诸实践 applications of what 她’s learning to improve the lives of young children, so they have better successes throughout their school careers.” 

Kisner believes Sileo has been most supportive by asking questions and allowing her 培养她的兴趣和激情. 

她不停地追问,却不告诉我该怎么做. 教练关系就是其中之一 of the most valuable pieces of the program,” Kisner说. 

Kisner说 long-term research supports her work’s practical application and positive 影响. 美国.S. Secretary of 教育 has also promoted the concept of universal 学前教育. 

“The more we can do in early childhood, the more long-term benefits we see. 当我们 expose kids to all children in early childhood, we’re setting them up for successful 成年. On a personal level, we adopted our son from foster care at 18 months. He has learning disabilities and was in inclusive 学前教育 programs,” Kisner说. 

Kisner previously earned bachelor’s and master’s degrees in Psychology and an education specialist degree in School Psychology from Fort Hays State University in Kansas and completed a certificate program at Wichita State University. 展望未来,她 eager to teach the early childhood assessment course at UNC again this fall. 而 她’s happy working in public schools, her degree will position her for future work 在高等教育中.  

“I’d like to teach in special education or school psychology to support training new-to-the-field 个人. I’d like to work with that preparation program to get them into the field,” Kisner说. 

