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Godspell the musical marquis on front of a building

English Master’s Student Explores Clowns and Community in ‘Godspell’

Estudiante de maestría en inglés explora los payasos y la comunidad en 'Godspell'

一场龙卷风破坏了社区剧院,卡森·格罗姆计划在那里表演“神咒” Junior” when he was 12. Although the show was canceled, Gromm was “hooked on it” – también en español.

一场龙卷风破坏了社区剧院,卡森·格罗姆计划在那里表演“神咒” Junior” when he was 12. Although the show was canceled, Gromm was “hooked on it.” 

“神咒”是一个1971年的外百老汇音乐剧特色寓言从马太福音. 在它开业以来的半个世纪里,“神咒”和“神咒少年”,一个青年改编, has been performed in theaters all around the world by amateurs and professionals alike.

“I found the [1973] movie and watched that every week throughout middle school to the point that I’m almost 25 now and I have memorized the movie,” said Gromm.

Gromm came to the University of Northern Colorado’s English M.A. program with a bachelor’s degree in Traditional Animation and a minor in Fiction Writing from Columbia College, Chicago. He was attracted to the small department’s interdisciplinary approach. 

博天堂官方的第一学期,格罗姆写了一篇博天堂官方网站“神咒”和“耶稣”的学期论文。 “基督超级巨星,”他比较了如何每个节目的情感影响观众。. 对“神咒”的进一步分析是他题为“不是王座”的论文的基础。 《博天堂官方网站》(1971年).”

Karsen Gromm
Karsen Gromm

“我想做适应性研究,看看文本的视觉元素,以及如何做到这一点。 effects the way you read the meaning. And I have done a lot of papers that are theology-adjacent or deal with our ideas of God in some way or another. ‘Godspell’ was at the intersection of all those things,” Gromm said.

Gromm explored two main ideas: the show’s original clown characters and community building.

“我们试图弄清楚什么小丑人物在神学上说谁 耶稣是,哲学思想和效果的小丑人物有在显示. “神咒”没有一个传统的情节,但把它在一起的东西 是这个想法的社区建设和写作作为一个社区,” Gromm said.

On Dec. 6, 2022, Gromm garnered second place for “Send in the Clowns: How Godspell 在博天堂官方的三分钟论文比赛中翻译福音 学生有三分钟时间用通俗易懂的语言介绍他们的项目. 

“Doing three-minute thesis helped me find the meat: The clowns of ‘Godspell’ help 我们理解不同的神的形象,看看宗教表达如何变化 time, and how it can connect to contemporary audiences in a way the biblical text might not,” he said.

格罗姆的顾问是劳伦·布伦内尔(Lauren Brentnell),她曾是博天堂官方的教员。 英语,现任德克萨斯大学写作中心助理主任 State University. He recalled Brentnell setting realistic expectations.

“I was always wishing I had done more, and they’d say, ‘You are on track; you have made good progress,’ so that was reassuring. Because a thesis is bigger and has different 部分比典型的学术论文,他们善于清楚地解释其目的 of each part and how it looks in a humanities paper,” Gromm recalled.

Brentnell said Gromm started the process with a detailed full proposal. During their weekly meetings, he always came in with ideas. 

“Karsen has been a delight to work with. What I appreciated is he took something he 可能认为这只是一部电影,他看了很多次,做了研究和转向 it into a project like this,” Brentnell said.

Brentnell noted “Godspell” was uniquely written. 

“有很多人写了它,工作了它,所以它随着时间的推移而变化, which is the heart of what Karsen is talking about. This research can help us understand 合作工作和不同的适应如何改变事物的意义,”他们 said.

The entire process is something Gromm will take with him. 

“能够以这种方式拆开一件事的相互联系的、复杂的部分 we had to do with this is a valuable skill going forward,” Gromm said, noting its 相关性到任何人谁有兴趣解开的东西,无论是在 humanities or another field.

2023年5月毕业后,格罗姆计划在艺术的交叉点继续工作。 writing and performance.

“I’m pretty open to what comes along,” he said. 

— written by Brenda Gillen 

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