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Celebrando la cultura, la conexión y la colaboración durante el mes para crear conciencia sobre los DREAMers

作为梦想意识月的一部分,该大学正在举办社区节日, an event to strengthen relationships within Greeley and provide support to individuals in immigrant and undocumented communities.

As part of  DREAMer Awareness Month, the University of Northern Colorado is planning an event 加强格里利内部的关系,并向个人提供支持 immigrant and undocumented communities. 

Festival del barrio,一个社区节日和集市,计划在周日,3月 24. 这一活动是北加州一年一度的梦想意识月庆祝活动的一部分。 and was created in response to feedback from students who are looking for resources to help meet their needs, as well as opportunities for collaboration between the university and the Greeley community. 

“The whole intent is to close the gap that exists between Greeley and the university” 博天堂官方Cesar Chavez文化中心主任Rudy Vargas和Undocumented说。 Student Services. “许多学生从格里利提到最长的时间, 他们觉得脱离博天堂官方,直到他们来到这里,开始上课. We want to 确保我们回馈科罗拉多州北部的社区和人口.” 

The festival, which will be held at UNC’s Campus Recreation Center (1300 23rd St.), is open to the public. The day starts with a “Know Your Rights” workshop at 11 a.m.  

“我认为这不仅是重要的梦想家,但周围的人 让无证件的人知道自己的权利,”实习生安德里亚·莫雷诺(Andrea Moreno)说。 at the César Chávez Cultural Center. “Knowing how to protect yourself and others is a great resource.” 

After the workshop, the festival kicks off from noon – 3 p.m., and will feature a fair that includes campus and community resources, free headshots and haircuts, entertainment and food. 

“We want to bring a lot of resources that are connected to and support the immigrant or undocumented experience,” Vargas said. “Their goal is specifically related to advancing these populations. 许多组织不关心得到报酬,他们只是想要 回馈社会,使每个人都能从这些资源中受益.” 

 According to the Anti-Defamation League, the term DREAMer refers to young and undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children; who live and go to school in the U.S. and identify as American. The term stems from the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act introduced in 2001 that would have provided a pathway to legal status for undocumented people who came to the U.S. as children, When the legislation failed to pass, President Barack Obama issued the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) executive order in 2012  to help alleviate deportation and allow students to apply for a Social Security number, work permit and a driver’s license. Under the program, thousands of people are able to attend college and work within the United States. People who have been 受DACA和梦想法案影响的人通常被称为梦想者。. 

Vargas said the number of DREAMers attending the university each semester varies but 每年的遵守是学生举行演讲分享更多的机会 信息,他们的经验和大学社区显示他们 support. 

“DREAMer Awareness Month was started in 2016 to provide more awareness on the DREAMer experience,” said Vargas. “The lived experiences of undocumented individuals are hardly ever told on college campuses.” 

除了每年遵守规定外,博天堂官方还提供奖学金和其他资源。 to DREAMers. 有一个梦想奖学金,提高学生的经验和 provides support for emergencies. The DACA scholarship is for students trying to renew their DACA permit. 它为每两年续费提供帮助 如果学生已经续学,他们将得到学校的补偿。.  

The university also provides several mentorship opportunities. The DREAMer Engagement Program (DEP) provides current UNC DREAMer students with a mentor who was a past DEP student, to guide them through their first year in college. There is also the First Generation Near Peer program designed to provide support to Greeley-area high school students who are new to the U.S. 从2023年春天开始,博天堂官方有大约20名梦想学生目前在 the program who provide mentorship and guidance to high school students, as well as helping them to get connected to the community, their schools and other local resources. 

“我们非常关注想要帮助社区,并确保这一点。 我们不仅成功了,而且为其他人的成功打开了大门。”. “向人们展示有人和资源可以帮助他们是伟大的 thing.” 

Festival del Barrio is sponsored by UNC's César Chávez Cultural Center, Undocumented Student Services, the Division of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, Colorado Opportunity Scholarship Imitative, Department of Anthropology and the Colorado Immigrant Rights Coalition.  

本次活动不需要注册,但鼓励注册. More information is available online at bit.ly/UNCFestivalDelBarrio. 

— written by Zvi Gutierrez, student writer

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