

  • 存款
    • 一般

      的se instructions define the basic internal control procedures that all University 各部门负责现金收入的收取和存放. 这些程序既适用于处理现金,也适用于处理支票.

      To enhance the internal control over money, a segregation of duties within the department should be in place so that errors or irregularities are prevented or promptly detected. 的 duties of one employee should provide a cross-check of the work of one or more 其他员工. 例如,一个员工打开邮件并列出一个列表 checks and amounts while another employee actually prepares the Deposit Transmittal 押金表格.

      In addition to the basic guidelines described below, departments are to develop written 适用于其具体操作的程序.

    • 沉积过程

      All cash, checks, sales slips, receipts, and other applicable documents must be secured and safeguarded in a metal locking box and placed in a locked desk, locked cabinet, 或安全.

      存款 are to be made in a timely manner with the Cashiers' 办公室 in Campus Commons. 的 University requires receipts be deposited on a daily basis if the dollar amount 是100美元或更多,如果金额少于100美元,至少每周一次. 钱, 被关在部门的物品更容易被盗或丢失.

      所有支票必须在部门收到后立即签收. 的认可 如下:


      任何时候收到实际的现金,都必须发出预先编号的收据 每笔交易必须有一个唯一的号码. 如果是手写收据 are used, the department must retain a duplicate copy that contains the same pre-printed 数字和信息原封不动. 所有的收据号码都必须清点清楚 in order to provide a reconciliation of cash received, receipts written, and the actual 存款了. 该信息还提供了审计跟踪,供审计人员进行审查 大学内部或外部审计员.

      所有收到的钱都要存入出纳办公室. 不需要钱 withheld from a deposit in order to cash personal checks or to purchase miscellaneous 部门项目. 以这种方式进行的购买减少了收入 而支出上报和内部控制程序弱化. 如果是一个部门 needs a fund to make change or small purchases, a change fund or petty cash fund may 可向大学财务主任提出申请.

      Any publication or course materials utilized in class are to be purchased by the students 通过博天堂官方书店或其他供应商购买. 教职工不得收钱 (现金或支票)在教室里购买这些材料.

      院系不鼓励使用校园邮件进行存款. 然而,当 存款只包括支票,金额最少,校园邮件 如果难以亲自交付定金,可以使用吗. 当现金 or a large dollar amount is involved, the deposit must be hand delivered to the Cashiers' 办公室. 如有需要,请联系博天堂官方警察局安排一名警官 如有需要,陪同教职员前往校园公共场所.

      所有现金或存款差异必须报告. 如果发生10美元或以下的损失, 负责现金的员工必须向他/她的主管报告损失. If the loss is greater than $10, the employee must notify the supervisor and the University's 内部审计人员. 对于超过50美元的损失,必须联系博天堂官方警察局 除了主管和内审员之外.


    • 存款传送表

      所有存入出纳处的款项必须附有一份存款传送表 办公室. 出纳处将资金存入后,将原始表格和 supporting documentation will be remitted to the Controller's 办公室 and scanned into Xtender. 表格将交回系内,并由 该部门为期三年.


      1. 缴费部门信息:缴费部门名称,缴费日期 押金和联系电话.
      2. Originating department information: Name and location of department on whose behalf the deposit is being made (if different than the depositing department); location 以及存款人的姓名. 注:押金传输原件 表格将交回此地点/个人.
      3. 描述:对矿床的简要描述.
      4. 要记入的FOAP(AL)号码和美元金额.
      5. 存款总额.
      6. 的 deposit composition by payment type: Total of all checks; total of all cash; and 所有银行卡的总和. 总金额必须与押金的总金额一致.
      7. 按面值对所有货币进行排序. 包括为所有检查添加机器磁带 以及存款总额.
      8. 所有支票必须加盖大学背书.
        • If the check is a miscellaneous deposit, please include with your deposit transmittal form any appropriate source documents that come with the check, such as a letter or 说明付款性质的文件.
  • 零用现金
    • 一般

      Under certain circumstances, a petty cash fund may be authorized as a means of making 大学有限的经常性或小额紧急采购. 由于去中心化 控制和处理采购和现金,一定的程序和保障措施 基本的和概述在这里.

    • 政策
      1. A fund may be used for small repetitive or emergency purchases under $20 as required 由一个部门和有关当局批准.
      2. 财务主任将接收和审查设立基金的请求.
      3. 基金的规模应是满足部门需要的最低限度.
      4. Small repeat purchases from petty cash should not be used to avoid purchasing procedures 在哪里,成交量和竞价可能确保较低的价格.
      5. 基金只会按照这些程序的规定设立. 而基金则不是 used for payroll or purchase from other University departments, to cash checks, make 零钱,现金预支(借条)等. 未使用或使用不当的基金可以 被取消.
    • 申请基金

      建立零用现金基金,完成 申请建立零用现金基金 表格,并将表格提交给财务总监. 收银处会提供 批准后付款. 指定零用现金保管人必须 sign for the money and assume responsibility for its safeguarding and proper utilization.

      Responsibility for the management and operation of a petty cash fund, in accordance with these procedures, is delegated by the Controller to the designated and approved 托管人.

      要更改零用现金基金的主要或备用托管人,请填写 申请更换零用现金管理人 form. 基金状况由即将离任和即将离任的保管人核实 必须在表格上签名. 将表格提交财务总监审批.

      当零用现金需要增加时,填写备用金表 申请增加零用现金 form 并将表格提交财务总监.

    • 购买

      在购买之前,必须获得基金托管人的批准. 之前 批准是必要的,以确保:

      1. 建议的采购可以适当地从零用现金中进行;
      2. 授权采购的部门将报销采购商;
      3. 的 purchaser understands the procedures for purchase, requirements for receipt, and 报销程序.

      Upon approval by the 托管人 for the specific purchase and the amount to be spent, 个人意志:

      1. 进行授权采购;
      2. 用自己的资金支付购买费用;
      3. 获得由供应商签署并标有“已付款”的收据或分项票证.

      在进行上述授权购买后,个人购买者是 从零用现金基金中报销. 基金托管人将:

      1. Verify the purchase was pre-approved and the goods/items were purchased as evidenced 由卖方提供标有“已付款”的收据或分项销售单据;
      2. 从零用现金基金中报销采购员;
      3. In the event a receipt was not obtained, the 托管人 will document that the purchase 是用 零用现金支付 form. 表格应包括购货日期、购货金额、购货日期、购货日期、购货日期等 description of the purchase, the name of the purchaser and the signatures of the 托管人 和买家.
    • 预付现金

      It is intended that the purchaser pay the vendor and secure reimbursement from the 凭收据付款. 然而,在不寻常的情况下 托管人认为必要时,可以预支现金.

      所有的现金预支请求将通过应付账款(AP)。. 现金预支支票 会在每周二和周五处理吗. 请做相应的计划.


      1. 请填写 预支现金请求 填写表格及准备 检查请求 给请求预付款的个人的表格.
      2. 使用以下FOAP(结算账户):基金组织- 72231掠夺.
      3. Send the completed request to the following Xtender Queue for processing: AP - Requests 支付.
      4. 如果预支的现金等于或少于500美元,出纳处可以将支票兑现.
      5. If the advance is over $500, the individual must cash/deposit the check at a US Bank 分行或个人银行.
      6. Within 14 days of the event end date, return all excess cash 到收银处 with a deposit transmittal made out to the FOAP used on the original check request: 基金组织- 72231掠夺. 未能解决未付金额或通信延迟 可能导致将来的现金预支请求被拒绝.
      7. Simultaneously, send a copy of the deposit transmittal, all receipts, desired expense FOAPs and any other necessary support to 总会计's 金融援助 Accountant, 谢里·萨默斯 谢利.shomers@fc-daudenzell.com.
      8. Cheri will reconcile the receipts and deposit transmittal to the total amount issued and prepare a journal entry to reallocate the expenses from the clearing account to 适当的费用代码.
    • 补充基金

       当基金中持有的现金达到需要补充的水平时 托管人将核对零用现金基金并要求补充如下:

      1. Count the cash and verify the total cash plus the total purchase receipts equals the 授权基金金额.
      2. 根据要收费的FOAP分类或整理收据.
      3. 完成 零用现金调节表和支出表. 在此表格上记录任何资金短缺,包括适当的解释 任何短缺.
      4. If there is an overage, document it on the Reconciliation Report and deposit the monies 到收银处.
      5. 准备一个 检查/ACH请求表格 为应付基金的金额. 在表格上注明电荷的分布 FOAP.
      6. 将对账报告和相关收据附在帐单上 检查/ACH请求表格 并提交应付帐款处理.
      7. 保管人应保留所有文件的副本.
    • 保障及审计

      All cash receipts and other applicable documents of the fund should be secured and 保护在一个金属锁盒和放置在上锁的书桌,上锁的橱柜,或 安全锁. 

      的 University's 内部审计人员 will periodically (announced or unannounced) make 对零用现金的审计. 国家审计员或其指定人员也可以进行审计 选定的基金. 保管人及其直接主管应确保 基金是平衡的,可以随时进行审计.

    • 关闭基金

      如果您不再需要零用现金,请填写 申请结清零用现金 填好表格,连同剩余的现金和存款汇报单一起交上去 表格,到校园公共场所的收银处.

  • 改变基金
    • 政策

      Temporary change funds may be requested to meet short-term cash needs, where change 持续时间少于一个月的活动是否需要. 临时找零基金则不是 用于购买商品或服务. 不得进行任何形式的支出 从临时变更资金.

    • 申请基金

      To request a fund, submit a memo to the Cashier’s 办公室 stating the purpose of the 基金,所需资金的时间框架和具体所需金额 货币或硬币的面值. 备忘录必须由有签名的个人签名 申请基金组织的权力.

      出纳处将根据基金的数额开出一张预支款. 个人 提款必须由组织的授权签名者和 是否需要在预支现金表上签字.

      A temporary change fund must be returned to the Cashier’s 办公室 by the time frame 根据备忘录的规定,不得迟于签发日期后的一个月.

    • 长期变动基金

      Long-term change funds may be requested when an organization needs cash to make change 作为其日常运作的一部分. 这些资金只能用于改变和 不能用于任何形式的开支.

      要申请长期基金,请提交一份 检查/ EFT请求 附上一份备忘录,说明基金的用途和所需的金额. 的 检查/ EFT请求 和备忘录必须由FOAP上的授权签署人签署 收费.

      应付帐款将准备支付给组织的支票,支票是 到出纳处兑现.


    • 关闭基金

      当您不再需要找零基金时,请填写 申请结清零用现金资金表 and hand-deliver it, along with any remaining cash and a Deposit transmittal form, 到收银处.