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About the Classified Staff Council

The Classified Staff Council represents all Classified employees of the University of Northern Colorado.

The Council is recognized by the Board of Trustees as a Shared-Governance Group, and has representation on many University committees. While our primary purpose is to represent Classified Staff at UNC, we strive to promote activities which benefit not just Classified Staff, but all areas of the University community, including exempt staff, faculty, and students.

The Classified Staff Council serves as a liaison between the Classified Staff and the University Administration, as well as the Faculty Senate, Professional Administrative Staff Council (PASC), and the Student Government Association.


The Classified Staff Council has up to 25 elected or appointed members from across campus, each of whom serves a two-year term. Membership is open to any permanent UNC classified employee, and elections are held yearly in accordance with our Constitution and Bylaws. Additionally, one representative from each of the other campus governance groups is invited to serve on the CSC for a one-year term. These ex officio members are appointed by their respective groups.

Meet Current Officers and Members

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