

Founded in 1954, UNC’s 特殊教育学院 is committed to excellence in basic 特殊教育的高级教师培训.

Our expert, experienced faculty work to develop educators who advocate for children and youth with exceptionalities and their families and adhere to the following beliefs 和值:

  • Children and youth with exceptionalities are part of a larger community of diverse learners
  • Children and youth with exceptionalities can learn when provided with effective and/or differentiated instruction, the adaptation of the learning environment, and culturally 响应式教学法和课程
  • Children and youth with exceptionalities excel when they are held to high standards 和期望
  • The larger mission of education is best served when special educators collaborate with families, general educators, and related services professionals
  • Children and youth with exceptionalities develop lifelong attitudes and behaviors when responsibility, self-determination, and ownership of their education are expected


TEACH Colorado has free tools and resources to make applying to our program—a成为一名课堂教师easier! 今天创建一个帐户,立即访问:

  • 一个互动 应用程序清单 让你走上正轨.
  • $100 费用报销 用于申请和测试费用.
  • 1-on-1 专家建议 如果有任何问题.
  • 操作指南 资格,申请,测试和财务.
  • 赢得…的机会 1000美元的奖学金 对学费.




我想有一天成为一名教师? Attend the 未来教师大会, a free conference with workshops and presentations for students interested in a 教师职业.


If you live in a rural or mountainous region in Colorado, you may be eligible to have over 85 percent of your tuition and fees paid for through a U.S. 教育部 grant.

了解更多博天堂官方网站Project Tree的信息


 GOAL (Go Out And Learn) is a fully inclusive certificate program for students with mild intellectual and/or developmental disabilities and gives its students the opportunity 成为博天堂官方课堂和校园社区的一部分.





“我在博天堂官方有一段奇妙的经历. 博天堂官方提供的在线课程 it possible for me to stay in Utah while getting the needed education required to 他是培训和流动专家. 留在犹他州对我来说很重要,因为 我帮助照顾我患有老年痴呆症的母亲. 博天堂官方真的是我现在的原因 拥有我梦想的工作.”



“我在博天堂官方有一段奇妙的教育经历. 聋人教育计划准备就绪 me to work with students from birth-21 years, and I secured jobs in both the early intervention and school settings prior to receiving my diploma. 教授们不会 only provided me with cutting edge information regarding the field of deaf education, they got to know me as a learner and provided me with opportunities to grow individually. Looking back, I would make the same choice to attend UNC again.”

Denise C. Onofrey M.A.

Denise C. Onofrey M.A.

“The 特殊教育学院 was an essential milestone in my development as an 教育家和人类服务提供者. 除了支持性的教育环境, I have also felt supported by the program while in the field since I graduated in 2005.”



“I am proud to have completed my Master of Arts in 特殊教育 at the University 北科罗拉多. Knowledgeable instructors and applicable courses have prepared 成为当地聋人教育领域的领军人物. 令人难以置信的支持 faculty and fellow students has not ended with graduation but continues through a valuable network of professionals dedicated to educating, mentoring and supporting 我们的学生和他们的家人.”

Moira C. Rennoldson

Moira C. Rennoldson

“Each day of my young 教师职业 of the visually impaired and 取向 and Mobility Specialist presents a challenge that corroborates the relevance of the 北科罗拉多大学提供的课程. 在线课程被取消了 身体上的障碍,为我打开了这个大好机会. 我对这种感觉感到惊讶 of community that was fostered among my classmates, my professors, and me. I can also attest that the rigor of the program definitely was not diminished by the online format. I highly recommend this program to the serious student who is interested in entering a rewarding profession teaching students who are visually impaired.”



“When I was ready to obtain a Master's Degree to further my education I knew the Gifted Education Master's Program at UNC was exactly what I needed. 我觉得我是个很好的 teacher, but I lacked the skills and knowledge to support and challenge high ability 还有天才学生. The Gifted Education Master's Program at UNC helped me to understand this population of students and prepared me to work with them at a much deeper level. The program allowed me to continue my full time position as an elementary classroom 每周上几个晚上的课. 我的自信和知识 as an educator have increased greatly and helped me transition to my current position 作为GT调解人. I feel like I can now support and challenge high ability and gifted students, and speak more passionately with parents and educators about best 天才学习者的实践. 这个项目极大地改变了我的生活 我在资优教育的未来.”



“I enjoyed growing and stretching myself while in the Graduate Program at UNC. As an online student, I felt that I learned just as much (or even more), than when I worked on my undergraduate studies in a traditional campus setting.”



“作为一名国际博士.D. student, attending UNC opened my eyes not only in the academic 生活,也是新的全球视野. 这对我来说是一次独特的经历 receive my education from elite and knowledgeable professors who challenged me continually 并提高了我的批判性思维能力. 对所有的国际学生:没有 比博天堂官方更好的经历!”



“UNC's 特殊教育学院 (Deaf and Hard of Hearing Master's Program) is 这是迄今为止最优秀的教育项目之一. 这对我的 life and many benefits I derived from this program illustrates the exceptional education 这是博天堂官方提供的. I would highly recommend UNC's 特殊教育学院, and particularly its instructors, Sandy Bowen and John Luckner.”