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尊敬的校友 Nominations Open—Who Do You Know Making a Difference?

Rico Wint and friends at the 2020 尊敬的校友 Award ceremony.

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是时候提名2024年北方大学的杰出校友了 科罗拉多大学(UNC)荣誉校友奖,校友会颁发的最高荣誉. 该奖项每年颁发给五名毕业生,表彰他们在事业上的成功和成就 service to the university. 

博天堂官方毕业生成为各自领域和社区的领导者,这在某种程度上是一种常态, a testament to their hard work and determination. Within our far-and-wide network 在校友中,这个奖项颁发给那些领导能力和服务精神激励了他们的校友 fellow Bears to stay involved and invested in the university. 

荣誉校友的范围很广,因为博天堂官方校友回馈社会的方式是 看似无数. Below is a short sampling of honored alumni from years past to help bring the Bears who have made a difference top of mind. 

Past Honorees of Note:

Rico (Alfonso) Wint ’09 

A professional motivational speaker, youth educator, 社区 leader, minister 和2020年荣誉校友奖得主,Rico Wint ' 09已经在生活中留下了他的印记 许多.  

在博天堂官方就读期间,温特觉得自己与马库斯·加维文化中心(Marcus Garvey Cultural Center)联系最紧密 学生代表委员会,成为多元关系副主席 before being elected student body president. Wint felt that he could use his voice 为普通学生创造更大的校园代表性,最终使用 his platform to serve those around him. 

Since graduating, Wint founded Young Men of Purpose (YMOP), 一个旨在指导市内小学、初中和高中的充实课程 男孩通过促进积极的自我形象和亲社会行为的节目. 

“我认为他重视师徒关系,你从一开始就能看出来,他在寻求 it out,” reflected Stephanie Torrez, ’95, M.A. ’04, assistant vice president for Student 学术成就. “It’s interesting to me that he’s been a mentor to so many young men since he’s left UNC. It seems just perfect now that I think about it.” 

十多年来,YMOP已经影响了丹佛地铁的3000多名年轻男性 area, many of whom later choose to attend UNC. In 2017, the lasting impact Wint has made on the Bear 社区 and eastern Colorado is truly aspirational. 


法官保拉·夏洛克,71年,是2018年荣誉校友奖得主,曾担任杰斐逊 肯塔基州路易斯维尔县巡回法院法官和家庭法院首席法官, until her retirement in 2017.  

在攻读法律之前,夏洛克在博天堂官方获得了英语学士学位 在初中,高中和大学担任过各种角色,从教师, counselor and dean of students. 

在她令人难以置信的影响力的职业生涯中,夏洛克已经成为无数评论的一部分 committees and councils supporting survivors of domestic abuse. 她一直很坚强 倡导儿童和家庭,做公益工作和社区志愿服务 组织. 她 has even developed innovative programs for the court and assisted 其他法官 improving court-based resources for victims of domestic violence. 

“当夏洛克决定去读法学院的时候,肯塔基大学在全美排名第一 就儿童死亡率而言她知道有很多事情 需要改变,她能看到他们,她想参与其中. 她 knew the best way to do that would be to become a judge,” said Jim Alexander, ’69, who nominated 她rlock for the award.  

夏洛克在她的社区里非常受人尊敬,并获得了几个奖项,包括 被选为 Kosair Children’s Hospital’s Child Advocate of the Year in 2013, the Louisville Bar Associations’ Judge of the Year in 2016 and many more. 

夏洛克多年来一直慷慨地为博天堂官方提供广泛的支持,包括 establishing the Ike and Paula 她rlock Scholarship endowment. 她 maintains a strong 通过她丈夫艾克·夏洛克和摔跤队的关系,她 是2017年博天堂官方秋季本科毕业典礼的主旨演讲嘉宾吗. 


艺术家阿曼多·席尔瓦,10岁,是2022年荣誉校友奖得主,他确实 and figuratively, left his mark across the state. 

他刚开始学的是商科专业,直到第二次 在学校的那一年,他参加了一个艺术展览,他的激情在他的脑海里闪现. 很明显,他在小学、初中和高中都是画画、跳舞 at that moment that he was going to become an artist. 

“了解阿曼多,就知道他是一位动画艺术家,”74岁的贝基·萨法里克(Becky Safarik)说, M.A. ’75, former assistant city manager with the City of Greeley. “他做了很多 entertainment mural creations.” 

One of Silva’s murals, a large image of a Bear, can be seen in the 校园娱乐 Center which was commissioned shortly after his graduation. Silva’s artistic ability as 最近,作为博物馆35周年纪念活动的一部分,一幅壁画被展出 csamar Chávez文化中心创作壁画时在校园公地命名 "Somos Porque Eres" (We Are Because You Are) 以长期担任中心主任及同为荣誉受奖人的帕特里夏为主角 埃斯科瓦尔,2007年,m.s.A. ’11. 

回馈社会对席尔瓦来说很重要,他与许多博物馆、社区合作 centers, non-profits and schools. He’s even served as an Artist-in-Residence at the 丹佛儿童博物馆,他的作品《博天堂官方网站》永久收藏于此 displayed on the outside of the building. Having been honored with multiple awards, Silva’s impact on the 社区 is impressive.  


Kathleen Dunemn, ’71, Ph.D., aprn, cnm, is a 2019 尊敬的校友 award winner. Having a decorated 职业生涯 as an 陆军护士团军官,她作为研究员和护士参与过很多任务 midwife, educator and commander before retiring as a colonel in 2011.

9/11之后,Dunemn被选为副主任、开发人员和高级军事人员 国防部战区创伤登记项目的分析员她在那里提供 数据和研究导致重新设计军事战斗防护用品. 的 Dunemn认为这些变化导致了死亡率的显著差异 and loss of limbs soldiers suffer in the field.

Dunemn还领导了一个团队,帮助捷克共和国军队开发 他们自己的护士团,并与捷克大学的教师会面,建立了 Bachelor of Science in Nursing as the entry degree into professional nursing.  

在她的职业生涯中,她获得了许多受人尊敬的奖项,并被州长任命 科罗拉多州退伍军人委员会主席和委员 Affairs Senior Living Centers. Now, she is a UNC School of Nursing professor. 

“她把成为我们卓越教育的一部分作为自己的事业 博天堂官方,”他说 Faye Hummel, who nominated Dunemn for the award. “我认为这证明了她的为人,以及她慷慨大方的性格 that she brings every day to the School of Nursing.”  

在她与学生的亲力亲为的位置上,Dunemn的职业生涯起到了鼓励的作用 the nursing students who pass through the program. 的 affect that Dunemn has had 无数军人的生命,以及她对北卡大学学生的优质教育 cannot be overstated.

Timeline to Nominate and Honor

作为荣誉校友提名开放,校友和社区成员鼓励 提名杰出的个人在全国范围内发挥作用 在这里,在校园里.

Nominations will open Oct. 14 and close November 11. Award winners will be announced on January 9 and celebrated at the annual awards event March 23, 2024.

参观 尊敬的校友 homepage to learn about the nomination process and meet even more distinguished alumni.